Industrial Carbon Dioxide Photocatalysis
The University of Toronto Solar Fuels Group published their first two papers on the production of solar fuels by gas-phase heterogeneous CO2 photocatalysis in the inaugural 2014 issue of Advanced Science.1,2 The work was featured on the front cover. Since then, the researchers of the solar fuels group have been unabashed champions of Advanced Science, avid contributors to the journal and on this special occasion, totally thrilled to recognize the first five very successful years of the journal with our paper entitled , Towards Solar Methanol: Past, Present and Future, published on the fifth anniversary celebratory issue of Advanced Science.3 In addition, as an Invited Editor for Advanced Science News and having contributed regular opinion editorials since its inception,4 I was asked by Editor Kirsten Severing to gaze into the crystal ball with my co-workers and colleagues, to attempt to foresee some of the technological challenges facing the widespread industrialization of CO2 photocatalysis.
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